
Devy Kay is an aspiring rapper with a passion to succeed and exceed expectations. With the release of his recent EP titled Outside, it is clear that Devy Kay is just getting started! We had the opportunity to sit down with the talented artists and ask him a handful of questions to get a better understanding on who Devy Kay is! Enjoy and support the movement!

What drove you to this field?

Devy Kay: My competitiveness drove me here. I wasn’t ever the best at sports
and I’m the youngest out of six kids so I never had like a physical
advantage for say. I was very awkward & quiet in school but I always
had a pair of headphones bumping some Em or J Cole. One day when I
was like 14 I started drilling notebooks full of verses, wasn’t until I was
about 16 I realized what I was writing could take me places. I always
knew I was clever and witty. So if I can’t make something of myself
with a scholarship I’ll do it with these rhymes.

What is your creative process like?

Devy Kay: Unique. I definitely go with whatever vibe I’m feeling. Some days
are easier than others but no matter what, I always get something jotted
down or a beat laid down. Since I started making my own beats, I’ll lay
down a baseline or a melody, next the snare or a clap to get the head
nodding. I work back & forth between the lyrics and creating the
instrumental. I try to knock a song out every two weeks though.
Everything I’ve seen says “if you’re an artist you should try to complete
at least one song every two weeks or you aren’t ready to pursue this full
time.” I wouldn’t necessarily say I have a set method or routine but I
create everyday and just go with the vibe I feel when I’m producing.
Action kills anxiety so I’m always creating something to keep the ball

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of music?

Devy Kay: I’m a big sports fan. I love football, basketball, baseball. Don’t
play any of them but I watch all of them and have favorite teams. I’ve
never been a big TV guy. I’ve watched some TV shows & movies but
I’ve heard it’s a bad habit and I would rather have some music going
while I’m doing whatever. I workout a lot. I used to be pretty chubby
and working out really helps me mentally too. Lets out a lot of built up
stress and pressure. Also helps get that self esteem and confidence up
when I’m performing or even simply laying a verse at the mic. Look good, feel good, play good right?

What is it about music that makes you feel passionate?

Devy Kay: I can’t lay my finger on exactly what makes me passionate about it. 
I remember being about 5 years old, my brother Tyler & I were fighting 
over the TV remote and my mom came in and took the remote and 
walked out the room with it then when the show cut back from 
commercial it was the scene in “8 mile” when Em was battling Lickety 
Split. I remember seeing that and was hooked ever since. I fell in love 
with it from that moment on and haven’t looked back or second guessed 
what I’ve wanted to do. Over the years I’ve grown different intentions 
with this dream. I do it because I love it of course but I want to inspire 
kids in the future to start jotting verses just like I did. I’m no different 
than the next guy. Nothing would be better in my opinion than to shake 
my idols hands and chop it up with them then to have that reciprocated 
back from the people I’ll inspire in the future. I guess the love of the 
game is where any artist passion comes from but also the fact we feel we 
have a story to tell that maybe can help someone struggling in a 

Describe your favorite and least favorite part about being a musician.

Devy Kay: I wouldn’t say I have a least favorite part. There are definitely parts
that are harder than other parts. Mixing is definitely the hardest. If the
mix isn’t right then the song is wack. There’s no rules to making music.
You could have a track not mixed a lick and it sounds amazing but 9
times out of 10 that’s not the case. At least for me. I’m currently learning
everything myself. I don’t have a team or homies that help me with this.
It’s myself putting in the hours tweaking knobs, flipping this sample,
cutting that vocal, mixing this track. The hardest part is execution which
really comes to crunch time in the production. I’m sure plenty of artist
have dope songs and concepts in their head but don’t know how to bring
them to life. I don’t dread any parts of the process because to win in this
game you have to trust the process and love the process even more. But above all I love writing. Nothing beats just filling a notebook full of 
lyrics and pouring every ounce of anything I have onto a page. “Page” is 
my middle name. That’s how I know I’m destined to do this. But I love 
my process to much to ever break it down to favorites.

If not rap, what else would you be doing right now?

Devy Kay: I’m not sure. Maybe what everyone else my age is doing and that’s 
either college or working at some dead end job. The military might’ve 
been considered but I’ve always felt like I wasn’t cut out for that life. 
But probably just chilling on the couch, smoking weed, complaining 
about things and never doing anything to change them. Thank god that 
isn’t me. I watch a lot of motivational videos and read a ton of self help 
books and read into very successful people and how they live their lives 
then try to apply the same concepts to me. I’m not another face in the 
crowd. I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure I’m not. I can’t see me 
doing anything else other than rapping. I’ll get there one day, Just Watch.

What would be your dream collaboration?

Devy Kay: Dream collaborations are hard. I don’t necessarily listen to the 
“G.O.A.T.S.” I mean I would dang near kill for an Em feature or a Drake 
feature. Get a Drake feature you practically made it. But Russ hands 
down. That’s my number one. He’s so underrated at the craft and doesn’t 
get the recognition he deserves. That’s my idol. Of course J Cole. If that 
day ever comes I would probably be in so much shock to even realize 
what’s going on. His penmanship is impeccable. Mac Miller & Nipsey. 
Rest In Peace to those icons man. Both inspire me everyday and have 
made huge impacts. Cal Scruby as well, he’s from Ohio just like me. 
He’s going to be huge one day. I listen to too many people to have one 
but if I really had to pick it would be Russ. I have the “DIEMON” logo 
tatted on my wrist it would be absurd if I didn’t choose him.

What inspires you most?

Devy Kay: My family inspires me. Also the fact I feel I’ve been counted out 
all my life. I feel like people think I won’t amount to anything special. 
I’m going to prove that wrong. Definitely my family though. My mom 
has always supported my vision and seeing my pops work 12 hour shifts 
for years on out just makes me go harder and strive to give my family a 
better life. My brother has a band which pushes me harder. Also 
knowing that I can have a positive impact with my voice. The dollars are 
cool and all, but that’s not what I’m here for. I’m here to leave a legacy 
and inspire the next generation to keep the art of Hip Hop going. You 
know you got the Pac’s, the Biggies, the Nas’s, Jay’s, Ye’s, Cole’s, K 
Dot’s, Em’s, 50 cent’s. Those are the greats and the ones who give a 
widespread feel of inspiration to the game itself. I want to do the same 
thing with my music and be placed in the rafters as well. That’s the 
beauty of this game, Music is the gift that keeps on giving. I’ll give this 
all I got. I also get inspired from myself. I know everyday I can get 
better. There’s always something I can improve. I haven’t hit my peak 
and I’m far from it. Just Watch. Devy Kay is going to be a legend.