
Australian musician Lauren Greco, has had quite the schedule as of recent. From touring America to even releasing a collaboration project with Boffa – its clear that Lauren is full throttle to success. We previously had the opportunity to do a small interview with the queen herself and really dive into who Lauren Greco is. Check it out below and make sure to support Lauren has she sings her way into our hearts!

What drew you to the music industry?

Lauren: I was drawn to the music industry by the incredible artists that came before me. I am heavily inspired by Freddie Mercury, Aretha Franklin, Quincy Jones, Miles Davies and the incredible innovators that came before me. That used their musical talents to convey their message, it is something I hope to do with my own. I grew up singing in church and music was a way for me to connect with my faith and connect with people. To allow listeners to know they are never alone. 

Who are you inspired by?

Lauren: I am inspired by so many incredible artists but I am mostly inspired by life itself. The idea that we are circulating on a floating planet and that we can really do whatever we please. The beautiful thing about Life is that anything can happen at ANY moment. Our potential is limitless. There is unlimited opportunities available. I am inspired by conversations I hear, people I see in the streets – the idea that everyone has a little world going on in their own head is very beautiful. 

Please explain your creative process

Lauren: I love to write about past experiences, present experiences and the obstacles I have overcome to get here. I don’t like to put too much pressure on myself and have a set schedule on when to write or record. I usually find that my best ideas come to me when I’m driving or when I’m about to fall asleep – so I always keep my voice memos open at night and a note pad next to my bed just in case. I learnt that from Mick Jagger actually 😂

What’s an average day like for Lauren Greco ?

Lauren: An average day for me looks a little something like this: 

4am – wake up, gratitude, prayers etc 

4:30 – gym 

6:00am – breakfast 

7:00 – off to my 9-5

5:00-6:00pm – finish up and sing very badly in traffic 

6:00pm – dinner 

6:30pm -8:30pm – work on music, plan the following day 

9:00pm – pray and steam my voice 

9:30 – bed 

Is there a hidden meaning in any of your music?

Lauren: I wouldn’t say much as a hidden meaning but I encourage any artists who listen to my music to unlock their own potential. Sometimes we block our own blessings because we’re scared of the unique power we all have. I know I experienced this and still do. I hope my music encourages listeners to unleash the person they always wanted to be. 

Do you collaborate with others? What is that process?

Lauren: I love collaborating with other artists because we all have different stories, experiences and things that have shaped us. It’s also very beautiful to get another persons perspective on things. As creatives we tend to be in our own head alot, so to have someone in the studio that encourages you to think about things differently is great. 

I usually reach out to artists via Instagram or email. It’s really important to be that I am friends with the artists before hand or am a fan of their music because it means that I am being authentic to myself. I have worked with so many artists over the past year who were on my ‘on repeat’ playlist on Spotify first!

Please discuss how you interact with and respond to fans

Lauren: I love interacting with fans through Instagram and even give out my personal details to those I have built a connection with. I don’t even know if like the term ‘fans’ because if someone reaches out to me I automatically assume we are best friends. 

What is your favorite part about this line of work? Your least favorite? Why?

Lauren: My favourite part is writing and inspiring people. My favourite part is connecting with people, hearing their stories. Walking in the room with artists who are so unique and authentic and praying some of their own authenticity rubs off on you. 

My least favourite is the fact that I don’t get to spend as much time with my family and friends as I would like as my goals are so big. It is a balance I am  currently learning. 

Have you ever dealt with performance anxiety?

Lauren: YES! And I still do. 

But what really helps me is when I remind myself that there is only one of me. Nobody has the same stories as me or the same trauma and that is ok! 

All I can do is my best and try to improve every performance. 

What was the influence behind your latest single “Reality Star” ? 

Lauren: My latest single reality star is about a breakup. 

I was very in love for a long time but I put my dreams on the back burner for another person. The song is about me choosing my career and music over love. One of the difficult battles I had to face choosing myself and my own aspirations over another person. 

What advice would you have for someone wanting to follow in your footsteps?

Lauren: BE YOU! Stay in your lane and focus on improving yourself and perfecting your craft. 

Don’t ever be scared to say no 

Don’t worry about what anybody else is doing and focus on your own projects and your potential. There is only one of you, wear that with pride! 

Any upcoming projects or releases anytime soon ?

Lauren: Yes! I have an album out with my very good friend Boffa, a local rapper in Adelaide. Our album C+F drops on the 12th of August! 

I also have alot of singles and collaborations about to drop with some incredibly talented artists so stay tuned!! 

Photo credits: Christina Toulantas