Geo has been an open book about his struggles with mental health. His other-worldly talent as an MC is only matched by the internal forces that he constantly wrestles with. The aspiring artist is currently living in Sydney Australia but originally from Manchester UK. For Geo, his artistic expression helps him to combat trauma from mental health to addiction as a means of keeping his sanity. On “Insomnia ” Geo looks into his soul and battles with his inner demons, making a bold artistic statement. Throughout the track, Geo paints a portrait of his personal experiences of mental health and love, combined with his drug use to ease the pain. Geo addresses a multiplicity of topics with provocative clarity. His single “Irrelevant” was one of his most successful songs released. The song is somewhat of a passionate plea about navigating through the dark abyss of loss and heartbreak. Over a persuasive melody, Geo bares his soul, holding nothing back as he seeks freedom from his inner turmoil. Geo explores struggles with prescription medications, anxiety, depression, and suicidal urges. Geo’s music is often coloured with those mental health battles. It would be interesting to see what Geo has planned down the road. Interestingly enough, the young artist is certainly using his platform to help listeners cope, while reducing the stigma around addiction and mental health.