Sarah Herrera: Chaos, Controversy, and The Tommy Lasorda Experience


Punk rock has never been about playing it safe, and no one embodies that ethos more than Sarah Herrera, the outspoken, unapologetic bassist and vocalist of The Tommy Lasorda Experience. With a new album on the horizon and enough controversy to make a publicist cry, Sarah sat down with Vents Magazine for an interview that was equal parts chaos, comedy, and existential crisis.

The New Album: Punk Rock Shakespeare (But Drunker)

The latest offering from The Tommy Lasorda Experience, “A Giant Pinball Going Down The Road”, is everything you’d expect from Sarah and her band: loud, offensive, and dangerously unpredictable. Originally given a name so long and problematic that even Spotify refused to host it, the album is a wild ride through Sarah’s unfiltered mind.

The songs cover everything from feminism, substance abuse, and political corruption to pool, Route 17 in Upstate New York, and Sarah’s absolute hatred of Jay Leno. There’s even a track inspired by her love for Raymond Chandler’s noir novels, proving that her creative process is as erratic as it is genius.

What should fans take away from the album? According to Sarah, probably tequila and a good pie crust recipe.

The Tommy Lasorda Experience: The Bronx’s Most Dangerous Punk Band

Describing the band as a “female Ramones but with worse hygiene”, Sarah is quick to dismiss any attempt to categorize The Tommy Lasorda Experience in conventional terms. Their sound is raw, aggressive, and packed with sharp social commentary hidden beneath layers of distortion and drunken storytelling.

Having joined the band in 2022 after leaving the equally controversially named Exploited Cocks, Sarah has become the face of the group—whether she likes it or not. The pressure of fronting one of the biggest punk bands in New York doesn’t seem to faze her, though she admits that most of her days are spent battling existential dread, capitalism, and her complicated relationship with Bulgarians.

The Creative Process: Complete and Utter Chaos

While some artists speak about inspiration in poetic, thoughtful terms, Sarah prefers a simpler approach—she just gets high and lets whatever happens, happen. The band wrote nearly 100 songs over the past two years, but never had the chance to record them—until Sarah made an “arrangement” with the owner of Village Studios.

Now, with unlimited studio time and zero creative filters, they’re putting out music at breakneck speed, including a video for “Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied”, which Sarah describes as a street experiment in public makeouts.

Punk Rock and the Art of Not Giving a F***

While the band thrives on controversy, Sarah insists that there is a method to the madness. Their music carries a message: question authority, think for yourself, and don’t trust any system that relies on force to maintain power.

That being said, they also just write a lot of songs about pool.

So much so, in fact, that their label had to step in and ban Sarah from writing more. But with her unhealthy obsession with 9-ball and her daily hours-long practice sessions, it’s safe to say the topic isn’t going away anytime soon.

The Future: More Music, More Chaos, and Maybe an Apocalypse

When asked where she sees the band in the next five years, Sarah responded by commenting on the slight size difference between her breasts—which is, frankly, the most punk rock answer possible.

For now, The Tommy Lasorda Experience is riding the wave of their new album, sold-out shows, and underground buzz. Their cult hit “This Is My Jam!” continues to find new fans, and their upcoming collaboration with mystery artist B-Stylez is already generating hype.

One thing is certain: whether she’s yelling “Freebird” at funerals, getting kicked out of bars, or making out with strangers for a music video, Sarah Herrera isn’t going anywhere.

Where to Find The Tommy Lasorda Experience

Final Thoughts from Sarah Herrera

“Don’t listen to our album. We forgot to monetize it on Spotify.”

Support the underground. Go to a show. And for the love of punk rock, spay or neuter your pets.